8 Holiday Gifts for Fit People

by Natalia Urdiales December 08, 2020

Gift List for Fit People

By: Paola - The Vegan Booty

The holidays are coming and also the time of gifts, if you are looking for options to give to that fit person in your life, here are 8 options that fit all budgets and that are an excellent option for anyone who enjoys leading a healthy life.


1. Protein Powder

Protein powder is always an excellent alternative that can complement our diet in a practical way, as well as offering a wide variety of options to use it. Whether you want it for someone who enjoys shakes or smoothies or someone who prefers desserts, protein powder is an excellent option that anyone can use and incorporate into their diet. In addition, it's usually a product that's in any fit person's cupboard and is always appreciated.

2. Resistance Bands

Now that most people are training at home, resistance bands have become very popular, and their versatility, practicality and portability make them an excellent tool to use in training, in addition to that there are different calibers, sizes, colors, costs, materials, etc.

3. Vaccum Flask with Thermal Isolation 

Any healthy person knows how important it is to drink water and stay hydrated at all times, which is why a good large stainless steel thermos is always appreciated. It allows you to have water at the temperature you prefer for many hours, it's durable, resistant and there are already many very beautiful models. It's also proven that people who carry their water bottle meet their daily requirements better, so this is usually an ideal gift for a new fit person who are still in a change of habits.

4. Smart watch or bracelet

In today's market, smart watches and bracelets have become very popular for their various functions that allow you to count steps, calories burned, heart rate, keep records, etc. And depending on the model and the brand there is a wide variety of styles and prices. I think that since the investment for this gift is a bit higher and many functions are for more “committed” athletes, this is an option that could be better for someone who has been fit for a long time.

5. Membership

Today there are many applications or digital platforms for people who lead a fit lifestyle, they charge an annual or monthly membership and can be a great option for people who exercise from home or who like to keep a detailed record of your activity or meals. Also a membership to a regular gym can be a very good option if they have already opened where you are.

6. Sportwear

All of us who enjoy exercising know the power that a beautiful outfit can have to motivate you to train and to give it all your desire. Looking good makes you feel good and that always fills you with energy, so a good outfit can be the push you need to train when you are doubting it.

7. Yoga Mat

A staple in any home where there is a fit individual is a yoga or warm-up mat. It is used for all kinds of exercises, they are very durable, they come in various thicknesses, colors, materials and prices, and they also help us protect the floor if we use dumbbells, bars or discs. Today there are already brands that even make personalized mats that can be a very special and unique gift.

8. Giftcard for a Healthy Shop

Suplement, healthy food or organic stores are like little gold mines for any fit person. They are full of healthy, natural products, with various benefits and ingredients that are sometimes not so easy to find in any store, which is why a gift card from these types of places is also a great option, especially when you don't know what give away.

Natalia Urdiales
Natalia Urdiales


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